Dinosaurs evolved when most continents were joined in a single land mass. 恐龙进化的时候,多数大陆连为一体。
At the horizon the land mass becomes a continuous pale neutral grey 陆地在地平线处变成了一片浅灰。
I was deeply impressed by your warm people, vast land mass and beautiful scenery. 加拿大热情的人平易近、广袤的土地、美丽的环境给我留下了深化印象。
The land mass of australia, after it had broken away from antarctica, continued to drift. 澳洲大陆在从南极洲分离出来之后仍在继续漂移。
In the20th century, we measured a nation's wealth primarily by its natural resources, its land mass, its population and its army. 在20世纪,我们衡量一个国家的财富首先想到的是它的自然资源,陆地面积,人口和军队。
But together they account for about a third of China's land mass and for a large proportion of its inadequate reserves of oil and gas. 但两地加起来,约占中国陆地总面积的三分之一,在中国并不丰富的油气储量中,两地也占了相当大的比例。
We have mentioned that though Luzon appears to be on the Philippine Plate, this is a land mass attached to the Philippines on the Sunda Plate because underlying rock strata hold it to the Sunda Plate. 我们提到过虽然看起来好像吕宋岛在菲律宾板块上,这其实是在巽他板块上与菲律宾相连的土地,因为下面的岩层是属于巽他板块的。
Land mass and ocean had changed places. 土地和海洋的位置发生变化。
This results from its absorption of the ethnic minority homelands that make up 60 per cent of its land mass and are the origin of all the important international rivers flowing out of Chinese territory. 这是源于中国对少数民族居住地的吸纳&这些少数民族居住地区占到了中国陆地总面积的60%,是从中国流出的所有重要国际河流的发源地。
A string of spectacular undersea volcanoes created the islands and continue to add to their land mass even today. 一系列壮观的海底火山形成这个群岛并甚至在今天仍继续增加着岛屿的面积。
Two hundred million years ago, all the continents were parts of a single land mass called Pangaea. 两亿年以前,所有的大陆都是一整块叫做泛古陆的大陆的一部分。
Always remember this, Australia is small country in term of population and capitals, but it is one of the biggest in land mass. 请牢记,不论从人口还是资本来说澳大利亚都是个小国家,但是从国土面积上来说则是最大国家之一。
China is a huge land mass with diverse climate regimes, all subject to the effects of climate change. 中国幅员辽阔、气候多样,很容易受到气候变化影响。
Asia is on a big land mass. 亚洲在一个大陆块上。
A small, dim light left on all night. The two continents were connected by a land mass at one time. 夜亮灯夜间一直开着的光线暗的小灯这两个大陆曾经由一大片陆地连接着。
Early medieval Scholastics attached her name to the western end of the Eurasian land mass. 中世纪早期的经院哲学家将她的名字与欧亚大陆西端联系起来。
The Eruasian land mass, coupled with Africa, possesses unmatched self-sufficiency and a dominant strategic position over the Western Hemisphere. 欧亚大陆和非洲在西半球拥有不对称的自给自足和战略统治地位。
Like the us, China has more land mass than Japan and therefore a more widely varied cuisine. 如美国,中国已经超过日本,因此更大规模地更为广泛多样美食。
The air over the great land mass of Asia heats up in summer and rises. 夏季,亚洲大陆上空的空气变热并向上升腾。
This, and the presence of the Arctic Ocean in the center of the great land mass, give the area a markedly different conformation and climate from that around the opposite pole. 这一切使得这块区域相对于地球另一端来说,在构架和气候方面存在显著的不同。
The two continents were connected by a land mass at one time. 这两个大陆曾经由一大片陆地连接着。
And though China's vast land mass means there are probably still plenty of valuable and legitimate fossils out there, China's fossil rush might already be a thing of the past. 中国广袤的大地上可能仍然蕴藏着大量真正的有价值的化石,但中国化石大量的涌现在市场上可能已经属于过去的事了。
The main land mass of a country or continent; as distinguished from an island or peninsula. 一个国家的主要大陆块。
Their shares of global population and land mass are even higher, leading Mr O'Neill to say more recently that he coined the Bric acronym as the countries are now part of the brick of the modern world economy. 它们占全球人口和陆地面积的比例更高,因此奥尼尔在近些时候表示,他提出金砖四国一词,是因为这些国家现在已经成为构筑当代世界经济的部分砖石。
Asia and Europe form a huge land mass. 亚洲和欧洲连成一片大陆地。
A huge mass of ice slowly flowing over a land mass, formed from compacted snow in an area where snow accumulation exceeds melting and sublimation. 巨大的冰块(由于一个地区雪的积累量超出了融化和升华量而形成的结实的雪形成)在巨大的地上慢慢滑动而形成。
We're a lot bigger than you, in land mass, but our population is considerably less. 我们的土地比你们的大多了,人口倒是比你们少了不少。
Armies marched to and fro across the great land mass. 军队在这大片土地上来回行进。